Welcome to ECR2STSAR, A resource for early career researchers!
George Carayannopoulos
Dr George Carayannopoulos is the Head of the Higher Degree Research Centre at the University of Sydney. George has held a number of senior positions in higher education management and research development within the humanities and health and medical sectors. He has a background in policy development, analysis and evaluation and his research areas include: public policy collaboration, interagency coordination and researcher development. He has a strong interest in research training, researcher support and development and in recent years has presented a number of papers at; International Network of Research Management Societies Congress (INORMS), Quality in Postgraduate Research (QPR), the Higher Education Research Development Society (HERDSA) and the Research Workforce Forum. He is currently a member of the Australian Research Training Network Advisory Board and also a member of the NSW Executive Committee of the Australian Research Management Society.
Daniela Traini
Daniela is Professor in Respiratory Science in Sydney Medical School. She has extensive experience in both academic and industrial pharmaceutics, and retains strong links with the pharmaceutical industry. She has published over 175 peer reviewed papers, holds 5 patents and has attracted more than $12 million in competitive funding in the past 10 years. Daniela was one of the founding members of ECR2STAR and has a long history of mentoring early career researchers.
Paul M Young
Paul is Professor of Respiratory Technology in the Sydney Medical School at the University of Sydney. His team focusses on developing advanced drug delivery systems for treating a wide range of respiratory disorders ranging from asthma to tuberculosis. Paul has 20 years’ experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry and comes from an industrial pharmaceutical background. He holds an honours degree in Chemistry (UWE, UK) and PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (University of Bath, UK). Paul has an interest in all areas of the pharmaceutical sector, in particular dosage form design, scalability and manufacturing logistics, clinical trials and end-product batch-to-batch and processing problem solving. Paul was one of the founding members of ECR2STAR and has a passion for mentoring young academics become the next leaders in their field.
Hui Xin Ong
Hui Xin is an Lecturer in the Discipline of Pharmacology, Sydney Medical School and a research fellow at the Woolcock Institute. She holds an honours degree in Pharmacy and a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Sydney. She was a European Respiratory Society-European Lung Foundation Fellow and has worked with diverse experts from academia and industry partners leading to advancement and development of various pharmaceutical formulations.Hui Xin is an ECR academic
Ruth Graham
Ruth Graham is the Faculty Research Manager for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney. Ruth has worked in tertiary education for over twenty years across medical, business, ICT and humanities disciplines in both the United Kingdom and Australia in support of training and professional development pathways. Ruth has been involved in the development of educational curricula projects for both postgraduate professional courses and in the vocational training sector. Ruth holds a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Journalism, Government and English from the University of Queensland, an MBA in Technology Management from the Open University (United Kingdom) and is completing a Masters in Tertiary Education Management with the University of Melbourne. In 2012, Ruth was included on the national register of experts for Australia’s higher education regulator, the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). Since 2015, Ruth has been a moderator for the Association of Tertiary Education Management’s Emerging Leaders and Managers Program. In 2016, Ruth was a recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence: Outstanding Contribution to Research Excellence at The University of Sydney.
Fernanda Miranda
Fernanda has been working in the tertiary education sector for over five years, with a focus on policy review and implementation and the delivery of HDR services to students. She holds a Masters of Development Studies (International Development) and is particularly interested in the intersect of research, education and community development. In 2017, Fernanda was awarded a travel scholarship by the Australian Research Management Society (ARMS) in order to attend and present at the ARMS Conference in Wellington. Fernanda has also been involved in leading best practice workshops across the sector and developed an inter-university workshop aimed at improving collaboration between institutions in the HDR space.
Muriel E Swijghuisen Reigersberg
Dr Muriel E Swijghuisen Reigersberg is a researcher development manager (strategy) at The University of Sydney, Australia and previously worked at Goldsmiths, University of London, UK. At Sydney, she oversees the development of a University-wide researcher development training program in collaboration with researchers, Faculty-staff and professional service units.
In her spare time, Muriel maintains an academic profile in applied and medical ethnomusicology, regularly presenting at academic conferences, penning academic texts, peer reviewing and blogging. She has also offered consultancy support to specialist research institutes in arts and humanities in Slovenia and Japan. Muriel is a keen supporter of the responsible sharing of academic knowledge.
She is on Twitter as @MurielSR.